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What We Do

Our Team Spring '24

FI Pitch

QI Division Training

Our Team Spring '24
As Emory’s only multi-strategy-focused investment fund, Algory Capital manages over $100,000 of Emory University’s endowment using three asset classes: equities, fixed income, and derivatives. As members of Algory Capital, students have access to technical finance training, professional development, and hands-on trading experience, which prepares them excellently for real-world investment careers.
Our two investment divisions, Quantitative Investments and Fundamental Investments, propose new trades through in-depth fundamental analysis pitches and creative mathematical models. Our two organizational divisions, Operations and Marketing, manage the club’s image, social events, and community presence, including community service.

Division Summary
Quantitative Investments
The Quantitative Investments division of Algory Capital is responsible for managing the fund's risk, in addition to building new models to generate alpha. Risk is managed using a combination of well-studied models, such as hierarchical risk parity, to inform our allocation decisions, and diversify our fund while hurting our returns as little as possible. We also have a number of alpha generation projects, including models for factor investing, pairs trading, and recession prediction.
Fundamental Investments
The Fundamental Investment division of Algory Capital focuses on selecting the public equity and credit investments for our fund. The division is organized into a pod structure, with portfolio managers covering different vertical and strategies, including but not limited to distressed/special situations; L/S generalist; technology, media, and telecommunications; consumer retail; industrials; and infrastructure. We aim to generate superior risk-adjusted returns through our in-depth fundamental analysis and our data-driven approach.
The Operations division of Algory Capital is responsible for organizing the club effectively and creating an open and welcoming community. Operations does this by having socials, speaker events, and even getting out into the community and volunteering through the Algory Prison Partnership. Operations also tracks attendance, sends emails, organizes files, collects feedback, and everything else related to keeping the club running smoothly.
The Marketing division of Algory Capital oversees all marketing related functions. The division plans, creates, and distributes marketing materials such as posters, fliers, and yardsigns on campus. We also manage the club's social media pages and maintain the website. We aim to promote club events to current and potential members and ensure a professional club image.

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